Maya By Adam Milo

Maya By Adam Milo

Project: Am-Maya

Client: Adam Milo is the world's leader in pre-employment screening, candidate assessment, recruitment and placement, talent development and organizational consulting of employees and organizations

Tech Stack: Next.js, Tailwind CSS


Am-Maya is a groundbreaking employment platform designed to empower individuals and businesses within the Israeli job market. We believe in fostering connections and facilitating a seamless recruitment experience for both employers and job seekers.

Our Approach:

At GarageWeb (io), we were tasked with developing a user-centric platform that caters to the diverse needs of the Am-Maya user base. We leveraged the power of Next.js, a cutting-edge React framework, to deliver a dynamic and scalable website. This framework allowed us to create a fast and responsive user interface, ensuring a smooth experience across various devices.

Furthermore, we utilized Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, to streamline the development process and achieve a consistent visual identity throughout the platform. This framework provided us with pre-built components and utility classes, enabling us to rapidly build a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

Collaboration is Key:

To bring Am-Maya to life, we collaborated closely with three distinct development teams. This collaborative approach involved:

  • Front-End Development Team: Responsible for building the user interface and ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Back-End Development Team: Focused on building the server-side logic and integrating with various data sources.
  • DevOps Team: Ensured the smooth deployment and continuous operation of the platform.

Through this collaborative effort, we were able to deliver a robust and user-friendly platform that meets the specific needs of both employers and job seekers within the Israeli market.

The Outcome:

Am-Maya has successfully launched and is actively facilitating connections between businesses and talented individuals. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface, efficient search functionalities, and a secure environment for both parties.

This project exemplifies our commitment to:

  • Leveraging cutting-edge technologies to deliver innovative solutions.
  • Prioritizing user experience to create intuitive and engaging platforms.
  • Fostering collaboration to achieve optimal results.

We are proud to be a part of Am-Maya's journey and look forward to its continued success in empowering the Israeli job market.